
To make the alias permanent, you will need to edit a file called “.bashprofile” by running the following command. Cory Bohon is a freelance technology writer, indie Mac and iOS developer. Yummy FTP Alias brings quick and easy drag & drop FTP to your Desktop - drag your files onto an FTP Alias icon in the Finder or Dock to upload them to your. Yummy FTP Alias for Mac.


To make aliases of macOS Unix commands in your bash or zsh shell on macOS and earlier versions, it is done via your .bash_profile or .zsh file which lives in your home account directory, if the file does not already exist, just create one.

As of macOS 10.6 Catalina, Apple has made the zsh shell the default shell, previously it was the bash shell.

Alias For MacAlias For Mac

Launch Terminal from the /Application/Utilities folder

Go to your home directory by just entering cd followed by the ‘return’ key to enter the command:

List your home directory contents including invisible files to see if the file already exists, use:

Create the .bash_profile or .zsh file using the command line program called ‘nano’ if it doesn’t exist:

When the .bash_profile or .zsh file is created you are ready to enter your alias commands.
So here I am using the alias ‘l’ to alias the command ‘ls -lah’


Outlook For Mac Alias

In nano ‘control+o’ to write the file out and ‘control+x’ to exit the file.

Refresh the shell environment by entering the command below:

Mac alias command line


That’s it, now the alias will take effect.

Alias Mac Terminal

To add other aliases just start a new line, and apply the same formatting.