Keeping the Dock tidy, you will ensure yourself quick access to the apps you use often. If you don't use some of the applications, remove them from Dock. Deleting an app from Dock doesn’t remove it from your Mac. You can then access it from Applications or Desktop. If it seems like some app overload your CPU, consider disabling its Launch Agents. My Dock is an app similar to the Mac Dock. Make accessing applications, files and directories on Windows more convenient and fast. People also like. Rated 3 out of 5 stars. There are 29 reviews 29. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. The long ribbon of icons at the bottom of the Mac's screen is called the Dock. 5 Dock tips most Mac users need Most Mac users still use the Dock at least some of the time, so here are a few tips that may help you get even more out of using it. But for Mac, with Discord open the big 'I'm a gamer, here's my Discord icon' is not something I want in my dock. Minimizing to the menu bar would be IDEAL. I've done some research on google which is directing me to some old apps (Burn, Ghosttile, Dock Dodger).

Already you must be knowing how to add your favorite app to Dock in the Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. But how about adding group of apps as an folder in Dock?, like how the ‘Downloads’ folder shows up in the dock. This simple guide shows you how to group your favorite and frequently required apps together and add them to dock in latest Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

Adding a single App icon to dock is very simple, you just need to drag and drop in the free space of the dock. Removing an app from dock also easy, you need to drag the app icon from dock and drop into the Trash (Recycle bin).

Always, grouping and categorizing apps in Mac OS X is good and useful, because you can access your most frequent apps quickly from dock itself. Obviously you can’t add every apps to dock separately, the space in the dock is not enough for this purpose.

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How to Group Apps on the Dock – Mac Yosemite

In summary this is what we are going to do; create a folder and move your favorite apps’ aliases (like shortcut in Windows Operating System), then move the folder with these app aliases to the dock- very simple.

1) Create a folder; make sure you do not delete it later. We will be moving the required apps shortcuts in to this folder.

2) Now open the ‘Application’ folder (Go –> Applications) and select the apps you need to move to the newly created folder then to the dock as group.

You have to press and hold ‘Command’ key while selecting the apps (it is like holding Ctrl key in Windows OS while selecting the icons).

3) Now we need to move this selection of icons to the new folder (which we created earlier). DO NOT just drag and drop, if you do like that, the entire apps (including all files of the app) will be moved to the folder. But our purpose is to just copy the aliases ( a small file which refer to original app icon).

Therefore, press and hold ‘Options’ and ‘Command’ key while dragging these apps from Application folder to new folder.

Since the aliases are very small, the copying will be over within few seconds. If it takes longer, then I’m sure something wrong with your move and mostly all files of the apps will be copied now (that is not what we wanted here). Also, make sure the aliases (like shortcuts in Windows OS) mark is there in every icon you have moved.

4) We have done the major part now. Now you can drag and drop the folder to the dock. Make sure you drop near ‘Downloads’ or ‘Trash’ in the dock (extreme right).

You should see the stacked group of apps on your Yosemite Mac OS X dock now.

This is the simple method to group your favorite apps to the dock and manage it properly in Mac OS X 10.10. If these icons look empty, you may need to restart your Mac computer to make it work.

This method is applicable for all Apple computers including MacBook Pro and Mac Pro desktop which running on Yosemite OS X 10.10 or earlier versions such as Mavericks and Mountain Lion.

Would you like to add frequently used applications or documents to your Dock? Would you like to remove rarely used items from the Dock? If so, below are instructions on how to do this. The Dock is the row of icons that’s typically located across the bottom of the screen, though it can be moved. Apple populates the Dock with items that they think, or want, you to use, but you can customize it to suit your own needs. You can add applications, documents or folders to the dock.

Applications For Mac Dock
Dock Basics
  1. The Dock is divided into two, disproportionately sized sections. Look for the dividing line which appears a little bit to the left of the Trash. The left-hand section can contain Application icons. The right-hand section can contain icons for files, folders or web sites.
  2. When you’ve opened an application on your Mac you’ll see its Dock icon displays a small black dot below it. (Older versions of the Mac operating system displayed either white horizontal bar or a bluefish white circle, both of which are hard to see, if you ask me.)
  3. Apple populates the Dock with some of its applications. You can rearrange or remove these icons using the instructions below.
  4. When you open an Application whose icon is not already on the Dock, this application’s icon will temporarily appear on the Dock. When the application is quit its icon will vanish from the Dock.
  5. The Finder icon, which appears at the far-left end, and the Trash icon, which appears at the the far right-end, can not be moved around or removed. They are locked in place.
  6. Clicking and holding an icon on the Dock produces a menu of choices. For example, if you click and hold on the Trash icon its menu lets you choose to either open the trash or empty it (if you have files in the trash).
Gmail app for mac dock
Rearrange Items On The Dock

Applications For Mac Dock Settings

  • To rearrange icons on the Dock, click and drag an icon to either the left or right.
Remove Items From The Dock
  • Click and hold on a dock icon to display its menu.
  • Select Options
  • Select Remove From Dock (If you want to remove a Folder icon, hold down the Control key and then click and hold its icon to see it’s menu.)
Add Applications To The Dock
  • There are a few ways to add Applications to the Dock but this one is the one I use most often.
  • Click on the Finder icon on the Dock to open a Finder window
  • Click on the Go menu, at the top of the screen, select Applications.
  • Locate the application that you want to add to the Dock.
  • Click and drag this application’s icon to the left-hand section of the Dock. (Make sure you don’t drag this icon on top of another dock icon. Instead, make sure that you see the dock icons scoot to the side to make room for this new icon.)
Add Files or Folders To The Dock
  • Click on the Finder icon on the Dock to open a Finder window
  • Navigate to the file or folder that you want to add
  • Click and drag this application’s icon to the right-hand section of the Dock (Make sure you don’t drag this icon on top of another dock icon. Instead, make sure that you see the dock icons scoot to the side to make room for this new icon.)

Applications For Mac Dock App

Change The Dock’s Location

Applications For Mac Dock Software

  • Click on the Apple menu and select System Preferences
  • Click on the Dock icon
  • Locate the Position on screen section and select, Left, Bottom or Right.

Mac Dock Settings

You might also be interested in Apple’s Dock overview article.